Fan Mail

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Hey! It's Calvin from Long and Mcquade. I know I gave you my card, so forgive me for jumping the gun, but I had to send along some serious kudos on the podcast. I've listened to 3 episodes thus far (halfway through the Bowie episode) and I find myself consistently enthralled and entertained. I'm a fast-fan. I haven't dove too deeply yet, but I've been finding you and your guests have been consistently succeeding in articulating things I've believed, but fallen short of expressing through some deficit of deep thinking or linguistic talent on my part. More importantly the episodes have taken me much deeper into these subjects than I've gone alone, and I find myself chewing on the ideas hours later. Your approach to self-development and fitness mirror the work I've only just started over the last couple of years and your passion (and taste) in art is fabulous. Loved hearing Stephen Sondheim and Franz Liszt recognized as geniuses in the Bowie ep. It is hard for me to imagine any musicians more deserving of the title. Finally a huge kudos is deserved for how bright Daphne obviously is. Halfway through the Bowie episode and I'm floored by their erudition and acumen. I have certainly been obsessed with David Bowie longer than they've been alive and yet it's clear they've listened just as deeply and come away with a understanding of him that is just as deep, and totally unique. Keep up the good work! P.s. As a fellow reaper user and sound snob you also deserve kudos for having produced a podcast that sounds excellent.
Calgary, AB