Walking Alongside: Perspectives

(Not All) People are Stupid

Charissa McKay Season 4 Episode 12

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At first blush, it might sound like this is going to be just a negative bashing of, well, pretty much anything you can think of - but it's not. Yes it's about stupid people, or perhaps more precisely the stupid things they do, but it's not an exhaustive listing of the stupid things that people do, because a) that would be fodder for a whole podcast, let alone just an episode and b) there is a bright side. Joining me on this exhilarating romp down "stupid is as stupid does" lane, is Curtis Christopher, Argyll resident, dad, business guy, social committee member and all round great person. We discuss a few very specific examples of stupidity and then consider what might be the road to redemption. It's a funny, authentic look at something that there is too much of in this world, but, that if we all put our minds and hearts to it, might be in all our power to remedy - to some extent.

Once again - there is no explicit material, but that odd "curse" word is uttered, so best to keep younger, impressionable ears covered or otherwise occupied:) 

Listen wherever you get your podcasts - you can find Walking Alongside on Podcast Addict, Podchaser, Pocket Casts, Deezer, Player FM, Tune-In and of course Spotify, Google Player and Apple Podcasts - where if you can leave a comment or throw me some ideas of topics you'd like to hear about, that would be great.

Walking Alongside is written, recorded and produced by me - Charissa McKay (aka CharCharBinx) in my awesome basement home office/studio/craft room on Treaty 6 lands known originally as amiskwaciy-wâskahikan, meaning Beaver Hill House, in Nehiyawewin (Cree). There are other names, equally as meaningful, and I am grateful to those who were here before me, for the ability to call this place my home.

Thanks for listening - follow me on Instagram @CharChar_bincks

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