Walking Alongside: Perspectives

David Bowie - The Man, the Music, the Movies

Charissa McKay Season 5 Episode 11

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In this episode - I have a special guest/cohost! None other than my kiddo Daphne. Audiophile in the making, they are joining me in a three part series where we look at music and what it means to us, what we think about it, and what we actually like about it. In this first installment, we talk all things David Bowie - well maybe not ALL things. But we do consider a number of his albums, some classic and slightly more obscure songs, and ponder his movies - for better or for worse. It's a super fun conversation, and if you like David a little or a lot, I'm sure you might be surprised what a 15 yr old has in terms of insight and interesting takes on this musical icon. A little Gen X meets Gen Z. 

Shout out to my friend Todd for scoring me the music, and if you want to listen to a real music podcast, then I suggest you check out "Tapeheads: 80s Music and Beyond" that he does with a friend. Really great, highly recommend. https://www.tapeheadspod.com/

Listen wherever you get your podcasts - you can find Walking Alongside on Podcast Addict, Podchaser, Pocket Casts, Deezer, Player FM, Tune-In and of course Spotify, Google Player and Apple Podcasts - where if you can leave a comment or throw me some ideas of topics you'd like to hear about, that would be great.

Walking Alongside is written, recorded and produced by me - Charissa McKay (aka CharCharBinx) in my awesome basement home office/studio/craft room on Treaty 6 lands known originally as amiskwaciy-wâskahikan, meaning Beaver Hill House, in Nehiyawewin (Cree). There are other names, equally as meaningful, and I am grateful to those who were here before me, for the ability to call this place my home.

Thanks for listening - follow me on Instagram @CharChar_bincks

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