Walking Alongside: Perspectives

Polyvagal What Now? How to Regulate Ourselves in a Dysregulated World

Charissa McKay Season 5 Episode 17

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Don't let the title scare you! If you have ever wondered why you are behaving the way you are, or why you just can't seem to make yourself do...well...anything, it might be because your body is trying to tell you something. Have you been dealing with a lot for seemingly ever? That's a clue. Did you recently get in a car crash or fall and hit your head and you've been feeling off and can't quite get it together? That's a clue. Join me in a fascinating conversation with Sheila Almdal, Registered Occupational Therapist, as we explore what it means to view what is going on with us through a polyvagal lens. You might be surprised about what you learn about yourself and your body.

If you would like to know more about Concussions and how to deal with them check out the St. Joseph's Hospital Concussion Care Guide at this link https://www.sjhc.london.on.ca/regional-acquired-brain-injury-outpatient-program and click on the blue highlighted concussion care guide.

For more information about Dr. Bessel van der Kolk check out this page for a bunch of videos on how the body keeps score: https://bigthink.com/people/besselvanderkolk/

To get in touch with Sheila please call 1-403-660-4563 to set up your free consultation and/or get more information on how she or another OT can help you befriend your nervous system and get yourself back to your A-game.

Here are some concussion resources from the University of Calgary:

And if you want to deep dive into Polyvagal Theory check out this link: https://www.polyvagalinstitute.org/whatispolyvagaltheory

Listen wherever you get your podcasts - you can find Walking Alongside on Podcast Addict, Podchaser, Pocket Casts, Deezer, Player FM, Tune-In and of course Spotify, Google Player and Apple Podcasts - where if you can leave a comment or throw me some ideas of topics you'd like to hear about, that would be great.

Walking Alongside is written, recorded and produced by me - Charissa McKay (aka CharCharBinx) in my awesome basement home office/studio/craft room on Treaty 6 lands known originally as amiskwaciy-wâskahikan, meaning Beaver Hill House, in Nehiyawewin (Cree). There are other names, equally as meaningful, and I am grateful to those who were here before me, for the ability to call this place my home.

Thanks for listening - follow me on Instagram @CharChar_bincks

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